I dove into the depths and found something awesome!

Newly minted! Deep Diver is live.

This was a Ludum Dare entry, so it had a lot of bumps and bruises along the way.

Day one: Worked on getting down a lot of the artwork, and creating the player, the basic tiles to swim down, and randomizing the coral.

Day two: Learned how to randomly spawn tiles in front of the player.... Never figured out how to delete them afterward, but I got the first part down. Also figured out the coins, created and animated a coin, and added in a score keeper. Couldn't get the score to work, but the building blocks were there.

Day three.. that's today. I took all day to get the heart system to work, and to get the hearts to actually go down when you hit something. Thank you to my friends over on discord for helping me figure that one out. I also edited some sounds to make them what I wanted, added them in, and created some particle systems. Oh, and a restart on death.

What I want to add after this week:
Death animation, and an actual death screen.
High Score
Depth meter.
Darkness in the Deep.
More fish and some jellies.
More animations.
And just... More....

This was a lot of fun, and I learned so much about designing 2d games. I can't wait to make this even better!


deep diver.zip 13 MB
Apr 27, 2021

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